Thursday, March 19, 2020

Friend essays

Friend essays Friends maintain immense abandon of sources to develop a good relationship between two people. As we general say friends interpretations must be honesty, straightforward to each other. They should agree each others opinions. They support self-awareness to each other. They dont walk away when troubles come to them but to give them hands. Such civilization of friend identities put my self into a den deeper and deeper. The more I experience the more I recess friends are definitely brutal, deceived and distrustful. According to my empirical of self-esteem in friendship that I have realized friends who take an advantages form each other. They are relentlessly impact their sentiments. They approach you when they need you, but they never regard you when you need them. There are too many evidences that show how and why my friends betrayed me all the time. The next paragraphs will talk about one of my friends. Through out the incidence has occurred me that I am thoroughly assured friends are selfish, distrustful, foolish, and sorrowful. My past memory has frequency consecutively emerged in my brain that my best friend has betrayed me again and again. Since I was in high school that I have met several best friends, one of them are the special one. We went out together, drunk together. Even we shared the money we had. Such of happiness made us even closely like blood brother. We were all well known to each of our parents, because we were intimacy doing things together. Not only this but we also helped each other when there fights beside us. On the year of my age18, when was my last year to graduate from high school. At the same time there also was the high provoking promotion reflected every one to get an opposite partners which we call boyfriends or girlfriends. So I carried this thought to look for one who I got was I like the most, she has a lot of things some other girls dont have. I ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Value of the You Attitude in Professional Writing

The Value of the 'You Attitude' in Professional Writing The you attitude is more than a matter of playing with  pronouns or even of playing nice. Its good business. In professional writing, the you attitude means looking at a topic from the readers point of view (you) instead of our own (me): Me Attitude: I have requested that your order is sent out today.You Attitude: You will receive your order by Wednesday. In emails, letters, and reports, emphasizing what our readers want or need to know is likely to generate goodwill and lead to positive results. Why It's All About You, You, You Put yourself in the readers place and think about the kinds of emails and letters that you like to receive. Messages that are stuffy, pushy, and vague? Unlikely. Messages that elicit a positive response are generally positive themselves: courteous and considerate, with just enough information to anticipate the most common questions and concerns. In any case, dont make your message all about me or us. If youre trying to persuade your readers to buy a product, accept an offer, pay a bill, or perform a service for you, emphasize whats in it for them. You're in Good Hands or Maybe Not Heres an excerpt from a letter (addressed to Insured followed by a ten-digit number) that shows a marked insensitivity to the you attitude: As a participating company of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), policies written through Allstate Flood are subject to periodic reviews by the Risk Mitigation Unit of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This review process serves to ensure that policies have been properly rated based on the supporting documentation provided and according to the rules and regulations set forth by the NFIP... The above referenced policy was reviewed by the Flood Service Center and it has been determined that this policy has been rated incorrectly, or that additional information or clarification of submitted documentation is required to ensure that the policy has been properly rated. The following items are needed to complete the underwriting file and establish the proper rate for this account ... Clearly, its going to take more than a ​you to fix this letter. For one thing, theres not even a ​we here. The persistent use of the passive voice obscures any sense of a human subject a problem also demonstrated by the signature line, which reads (sincerely and monolithically), Allstate Flood Underwriting. One presumption of the you attitude is that both writer and reader are real people. But like the wrapper on a loaf of Wonder Bread, the Allstate letter might just as well say, Never touched by human hands. The multiple-choice format of the second paragraph only deepens the mystery. Just who reviewed, determined, and rated? Thats not for us to know. Has the policy been rated incorrectly for the past eight years, and if so, when and how did this blunder come to light? Has information been misplaced dropped behind a filing cabinet, say, or deleted by a clumsy intern? All things are possible in the stilted language of this form letter, and nothing is certain. Except for one thing, of course: it looks like our rates are going up again. Five Guidelines for Writing With the "You Attitude" Establish a good, respectful relationship with your readers by addressing them directly, writing in the active voice and using the second person (you, your, and yours), not just the first (I, me, mine, we, us, and ours).Try to empathize with your readers. Ask yourself: what do they want, what do they need to know, and whats in it for them? Rather than focus on your product, your service, or yourself, stress how your readers will benefit from complying with your message.Earn the respect of your readers by being courteous, tactful, and gracious.And finally, if youre ever tempted to write it should go without saying, stifle the impulse.